New Zealand Updated Immigration Rules For Skilled Workers – Know about the 6 Point System
In the new system, skilled workers will have multiple avenues to showcase their expertise. Let’s delve into the essential requirements for the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa, where applicants must accumulate a minimum of 6 points for a successful application:
The skilled workers will be provided various ways to demonstrate their skill level under the new system.
Here are the requirements for Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa
Occupational Registration:
To qualify for the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa, you may need to be registered or licensed in your respective profession or occupation. This is particularly important for roles that require specific certifications or licensing, such as healthcare professionals, engineers, or teachers.
A Bachelor’s Degree or Higher Qualification:
One of the key criteria is having a bachelor’s degree or a higher level qualification. The New Zealand government evaluates your education to determine its compatibility with the country’s education system. Having a degree that aligns with your intended occupation can significantly boost your eligibility.
Earnings Equivalent to at Least 1.5 Times the Median Wage:
This requirement ensures that applicants have the financial stability to support themselves and their families in New Zealand. You must earn a salary that is at least 1.5 times the median wage in New Zealand. This helps demonstrate your ability to settle and contribute to the country’s economy.
A Skilled Job Offer in New Zealand:
Securing a skilled job offer in New Zealand is a valuable criterion. It shows that you are not only qualified for a position but also in demand by employers in the country. It could be a job offer related to your qualifications and expertise, and having such an offer significantly increases your chances of being granted the visa.
The changes and the new rules will be made applicable from 9th October 2023. Under the new immigration rules in New Zealand, there shall be no cap on the applicants looking forward to gain residence provided they meet the skills threshold. New Zealand has further simplified the process with a faster decision time for the applicants to migrate.
What Are The Unchanged Requirements?
Requirements such as character, health, English language proficiency and age requirements remain unchanged.
What is Applicable with this VISA?

Live, Work, and Study in New Zealand:
The Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa allows you to do more than just live in New Zealand. It also provides you with the opportunity to work and study in the country. This flexibility can be particularly attractive for individuals and families looking to establish a new life in New Zealand.
Inclusion of Spouse and Children:
One of the benefits of this visa is that it allows you to include your spouse and dependent children aged 24 and below in your application. This means that your entire family can join you in New Zealand, making it a viable option for those seeking to relocate with their loved ones.
Point-Based System:
To be eligible for the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa, applicants must claim a minimum 3 to 6 number of points. The point-based system is designed to prioritise candidates with the skills and attributes that New Zealand values most.

What If Applicants Do Not Meet The Residence Criteria?
In such cases, applicants can migrate with a temporary work visa, Accredited Employer Work Visa or other such work visas like a Working Holiday VISA.
Overall, the Skilled Migrant Category Resident Visa offers a comprehensive pathway for individuals and families to make New Zealand their home while contributing to the country’s workforce and society. It’s essential to stay informed about the latest immigration policies and requirements from New Zealand’s immigration authorities when considering this visa option.